The Han nationality, shandong saves flourish to become city person, pseudonym grows the cloud. The member that currently hold the post ofQinghai to visit shop of deputy research of masses art house, head of art photography department. Hold Chinese artist academician concurrently, academician of Chinese edition painter, qinghai saves the United States assist standing director, art appoint conference committee member, canvas art appoint conference vice director.
Arrived 1956 Qinghai, had a job 1962.
Since 1964, be engaged in labour union conduct propaganda, exhibition early or late overall design, art creative work, coach, a job such as research, organization, hold art part-time the editor is old. Meantime is read fasten at art of Qinghai Normal University, major canvas, obtain record of formal schooling of three-year institution of higher learning. The member that have successively held the posts of Qinghai to visit shop of deputy research of masses art house, vice director of head of art photography department, artistic department, association of Qinghai province artist is standing director, art appoint conference committee member, canvas art appoint the duty such as conference vice director.
In December 2003, ren Qinghai saves vice-chairman of artist association honor.
More than 570 work comes out, among them exhibition of 14 selected whole nations, 7 go abroad showpiece, 17 obtain provincial award or country, country to collect, held an individual to exhibit 1987, obtained Chinese woodcut 1999 top prize (lifelong award) -- award of Lu Xun woodcut, masterpiece has " the spring of tower Er temple " , " Long Yang gorge lets his thought flow freely " , " beryl " etc, ever held the position of 39 of all kinds big, medium-sized exhibitions overall design, hold the position of Qinghai of countrywide large exhibition 11 times to exhibit round overall design among them, capture national level 2 times excellent design award, have 12 art additionally, photography comments on an article to be published at of all kinds journal. Biography brief income " collect of Chinese literary handed down from the older generations of the family " wait for more than 20 dictionary. Work " Long Yang gorge lets his thought flow freely " , " the spring of tower Er temple " , " beryl " wait for beauty of selected whole nation to exhibit.
Important collect
In December 1981 " the spring of tower Er temple " by Sichuan province beauty assist collect.
In August 1983 " the spring of tower Er temple " be collected by Beijing the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities.
In May 1998 " return " (woodcut) , " dance of colour dance high above in the sky " be collected by China woodcut museum.