Was born 1963, person of the banner before Inner Mongolia corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs is special. Had a job 1979, took an examination of large painting of Inner Mongolia division to fasten canvas major to stay 1983 school teach. 1997 -- assistant of department of mural of centrally academy of fine arts ground 1999 long class takes advanced courses. Currently hold the post ofassistant dean of academy of fine arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University, Master to give birth to vice-chairman of association of arts and crafts of adviser, associate professor, Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia to move industry of free society vice-chairman, China to design academician of mural of academician, China.
Work reveals large mural " Chun Zhiyun " attend art of the 10th whole nation to exhibit, masterpiece has " new city hotel " , " gold of the bend of a river is beautiful " (planar design) . " eulogy of the Yinshan Mountains " , " with close graph " , " courser verve " , " E Er is much this spring " , " lucky prairie " (mural designs work) etc.