其师承关系可谓复杂,中西画法皆有涉及,正是这一点也促进其在造型、色彩、构图以及表现形式等方面受益颇多。陈东阳先生可谓少年天才,且天赋极高。其画作一经面市,便得到市场青睐。或青绿山水、或工笔花鸟、或春宫图册无不给观者以清新、静溢、洒脱之感。陈东阳的画给人的第一感觉是干净利落,画面洁净的几乎无一点瑕疵,多一笔则成累赘,少一笔则了无生趣,正是这一多一少之间,作者把握得恰到好处。其画作多以工笔为之,物象多以线条表现,尤其工笔人物画。其人物画造型有徐操(徐燕荪)作品的韵味,而构图与线条中又夹杂着陈少梅冷逸的味道。线条细腻流畅而不失率真,构图极尽追求极简主义风格,斜插入画面的竹枝、枯柳,简洁而大胆,给人以冷逸舒爽之感。尤其值得一提的是他的设色,或浓烈殷红、或清淡雅致,都能很好的表现出物象的鲜活灵动以及温婉气质,犹如品香茗般回味无尽。其声名在当代中国画坛本不被藏家所认识,甚至于2004年以前几乎无太多人知晓。2004年中贸圣佳秋季拍卖会上首次出现陈东阳作品, 三件作品均以2万元/平尺的价格易主,着实令收藏界惊讶一番。尔后的两年里,其作品在香港及大陆知名拍卖行多次出现,其两开幅不盈尺的工笔春宫图均以高价成交,以单尺幅价格一跃至当代画家之前列。相信随着其阅历的增长,其技艺与作品将更加完美的结合,一大批更加优秀的作品将被推向市场的前沿,更加令人惊讶的高价将出现在不久的拍卖场上。
Masterpiece word Hong Xiang, fuzhou of ancestral home Fujian. Be used to of from a child is drawn, 7 years old learn sketch and a book on the art of drawing or painting of mustard seed garden from division, was famous in picture altar to lay good foundation in the future for its. The door issues Chen Xueshu of 13 years old of painters that do obeisance to oil, get Mr Jiang Shanbai to coach traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws skill again at the same time, appreciate of Great Master Mr Zhao Shaoang is sent south 18 years old of Meng Ling, close to enter room child,
Its division bear relation it may be said is complex, brushwork of Chinese and Western all has involve, be this also promote its to be in the respect such as modelling, colour, composition of a picture and expressional form is benefited quite much. Talent of junior of it may be said of Mr Chen Dongyang, and talent is extremely high. Its are drawn face city, get the market favors. Or viridescence landscape, or painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail, or spring all without exception of Gong Tu book gives the person that watch with pure and fresh, Jing Yi, free and easy feeling. The first feeling of Chen Dongyang that draws a person is efficient, the picture is clean do not have a bit flaw almost, much pen becomes burden, little brushstroke criterion without joy of life, be this one little between, the author holds properly. Its are drawn do it with traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail more, content elephant is behaved with line more, especially picture of character of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail. Modelling of its character picture has Xu Cao (Xu Yansun) the lasting appeal of work, and in composition of a picture and line be mingled with is worn the flavour of Chen Shaomei Leng Yi. Line is exquisite and fluent and do not break forthright and sincere, pole of composition of a picture uses up pursuit pole brief creed style, inclined the Zhu Zhi that inserts a picture, withered willow, concise and bold, give a person the sense with bright of cold ease easy. What be worth to be carried especially is his fill in colors on a sketch, or powerful blackish red, or delicate and refined, can very good those who show content elephant is fresh and clever and Wen Wan is temperamental, be just as the aftertaste like Pin Xiangming endless. Its reputation is not hidden originally in altar of the traditional Chinese painting in now domestic place understanding, too much person is not had almost before 2004 even witting. Auction of autumn of beautiful of emperor of the trade in 2004 appears first on the meeting Chen Dongyang work, 3 work all with 20 thousand yuan / the price of smooth feet is easy advocate, make collect a bound indeed open-eyed one. Thereafter in two years, its work reachs the mainland in Hong Kong famous auction appears for many times all right, its two open a Chun Gongtu of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail that is not filled with feet to all clinch a deal with high price, with only rule the price comes very quickly the front row of contemporary painter. Believe the growth as its experience, the union with its craft and more will perfect work, large quantities of one more outstanding work will be pushed the forward position to the market, more surprising high price will appear in before long on salesroom.