

Word tall sheng, unripe 1971, person of Anhui tung city. It is director of center of researcher of academy of art of Chinese country imperial art academy, artistic information now, " Chinese nation painted corridor " executive chief editor, " Chinese art signs up for " executive chief editor, the traditional Chinese painting in culture ministry learns director, vice director of council of work of art of culture ministry green couplet, " Chinese art memorabilia " subeditor of engage by special arrangement, adviser of graduate student of Master of part-time job of college of Yangzhou university art, anhui college part-time job is taught. Academician of department China artist, Zhejiang saves the United States assist beauty of city of presidium committee member, Hangzhou assist the friendly company that committee member of presidium of association of painter of China of province of vice-chairman, Zhejiang holds imperial art academy of deputy secretary-general, Zhejiang concurrently to hire imperial art academy of painter, Hangzhou to hire painter, Zhejiang to save painting and calligraphy of poem of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference especially especially. Ever entered Chinese academy of fine arts and Zhejiang day newspaper office to sponsor 1995 " art signs up for " the job, have successively held the posts of collect assistant of the director that write a department, chief editor, deputy chief editor.
Took an examination of Chinese academy of fine arts 1991 art history talks a department, graduated 1995; Took an examination of traditional Chinese painting of Chinese academy of fine arts to fasten class of course of landscape major graduate student 2002; 2004 graduate student of doctor of academy of fine arts of China of pass an entrance examination, graduated 2008, obtain a doctor's degree. Publish have " painter calligraphy " , " writing lifelike charm -- Chinese painting and calligraphy " wait for monograph, individual an album of paintings " water Chinese ink is made " , " Wang Ping does not have small part of bone Yun Shan " etc, chief editor " part of document of contemporary aquarelle art " , " the Chinese wash in globalization words condition " wait. Ever was engineered or chair " the name with future -- home of contemporary youth canvas invites exhibit " (Hangzhou) , " writing meaning charm -- international wash learning invites exhibit " (Pu Jiang) , " Shui Moyin is resembled -- .